I humbly offer this guide as a way to reconnect with your ancestral culture, yes, but also because when the Morrigan suggests that you do, you do not refuse. The most important part of that ask, while not stated by her, was knowing I would rabbit hole the celestial sky dance in an effort to reweave what could have been the magic of the night sky, the domain of the feminine, into our land practices.
In this free downloadable PDF I go over the tradition of Samhain, what it is, the stories and places linked to it and share my personal experience with the Morrigan who decided to take me on a Samhain adventure (Echtra Samhain if you will) to spur me on to finally sit down and pour into the lay of the stars at Samhain and wonder. I hope you enjoy it. The offerings for Samhain celebrations, curated by me, are at the very end.
Go raibh maith agat